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Spiritual mentoring 

and healing

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Are you ready to Break Free and LIVE a NEW Reality?
I am here to help you move beyond self - limitation and
step into your path of Ascension.


This is a One On One, Single, Mind to Mind - Soul to Soul Healing session via Skype, or phone. 

In this call we will utilize Cosmic Christ Consciousness Healing to reactivate your cellular memory through me, reconnecting you with your Higher Self, your Soul, and the Christ Consciousness. While we connect Mind to Mind - Soul to Soul, your higher self is doing the work as I guide the energies and help reawaken your DNA.


Together, the energy can be used to clear: 

  • Physical - Emotional traumas

  • Current or recurring ailment as well as generational

  • Repeating patterns

  • Karmic inherited ailments

  • Dark energies and Entities 


Your life can change in an instant since you will move into a higher vibrational frequency

When we work together, I will help you will step up into a higher self way of being.








Program A: Karmic Freedom™  3 months   | check availability  


Three months of intimate mentoring and Vibrational Alchemy healing to help you Free yourself from the past and past relationships and step into a new future.

Are you experiencing similar issues showing up over and over in your failed relationships?


Are similar patterns repeating every time you get into a relationship. Does it seem like no matter how hard you try, it ends leaving you with a sense of emptiness and painful  disappointment.?


There are many energetic ties to previous relationships, in this life and before this lifetime that have not been  finalized, or undone. Karmic ties, cords, agreements, contracts, feelings, traumas, that have not been completed. If you want to stop the energy sucking from past relationships, this program will create profound cleansing and healing in your physical and emotional body and in your subtle energy field.


When Karmic  Release and Clearing is done, it will create a greater sense of expansion in your consciousness, remove fear from your nervous system, which will allow you to eliminate the anger and sorrow that may still be stored in your body and cellular memory.

This program is part of the Love Alchemy Mastery™ program and it's also a stand alone program. I will help you find out which one would serve you best.



Program B: Love Alchemy Mastery™     6 months  |  check availability 


My Love Alchemy Mastery™ program  is a six months Spiritual Mentoring and Vibrational Alchemy program,  This program offers intimate, highly customized work and personalized support and guidance to help you reach your goals in all areas of Love and Life relationships.

When combining mentoring and my Cosmic Christ Consciousness Healing method, transformation will occur. 

This program is designed for big-hearted men and women who have been burned by divorce or deeply impacted by negative relationships and are seeking to redefine themselves, attract a healthy, deeply loving, Yummy, intimate relationship or improve relationships with self, family and friends...


If you dream of sharing your life with the love of your life and living with true intimacy, trust and respect,  or perhaps you truly are ready to love again, but are just tired of trying so hard, attracting the wrong relationships and don't really don't know what else to do...

You don't understand why is it that you can't have the intimacy you desire, much less why your last relationship ended - you might even doubt it will ever happen again. 

You might feel you have lost your self, don't want to get hurt ever again, You may find yourself unable to talk to anyone sincerely, much less someone who "get's you" but deep in your heart are still looking for someone  who loves you and adores you unconditionally...


I am here to teach you how to master the skills you need, so you learn to recognize and trust your authentic self, and being OK with the vulnerability and unpredictability of love and  never have to worry about attracting the perfect relationship for you again - you will simply magnetize Love.



Program C: Life Alchemy Mastery™     6 months  |  check availability


My Life Alchemy Mastery™ program  is a six months Spiritual Mentoring and Vibrational Alchemy program. This program offers intimate, highly customized work and personalized support and guidance to help you experience a higher level of existence, move beyond self - limitation and step into your path of Ascension.


When combining mentoring and my Cosmic Christ Consciousness Healing method, transformation will occur. 

Love, Happiness, Abundance, Health, and Wealth, are not goals or something you achieve. It is how you feel, how you are. It is how you flow through life.

Are you seeking a Life of MORE...? My Life Alchemy Mastery™ program  is designed to help you Develop Awareness of Your Higher Self and Spiritual Body, Break Free from the limited human cognition and thought patterns that keep you trap in the same loop. You will get the clarity to manifest a NEW reality , a new life.

If you feel lack of clarity and direction, you feel out of balance, you are living life by reaction instead of clear intention, or past experiences continue pulling you down, this program is for you. You will learn Life is easier when you get out of the way and trust you are always supported by the Source, and you have clear access to your own power.

You will be then more often in a place of inner balance, clarity and peace, which will allow you to see life challenges from a different, more calm perspective and will allow you to make decisions with ease. Where manifestations are congruent with that which matches your TRUE desires. 
"It is possible, and it is time to stop living small".


Which Program is best for me?


To find out what could work best for you, please start by  filling out the form  below.
I’ll follow up with a personal  20 min. Complimentary Discovery call where we can chat about what's next and how working together would be like and the best option for your specific situation. 

If we choose a three month or six month program we will commit together to 3 standing weekly appointments a month. This requires the power of decision on your side and commitment from both of us.

Are you ready to stop spending more time hurting and thinking how you could've done something different? If so, I am ready to support you!


with unconditional Love,

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