Are your past experiences, memories, beliefs, fears or traumas keeping you from living your highest potential?
Do you deeply know there is more to life?
Are you giving up your true-self to please others?
Do you settle for less in Love or Life because you think that's all you can get?
Do you believe that life just happens to You or have no POWER to create the Life you desire?
The truth is, you are in charge, you decide. Life gives you the space and freedom to choose what or how you want to be and how you want to experience the gift of life you have been given.
It is YOUR decision to create the space which determines YOUR life...
Every moment with every decision you make, you are creating your own, personally chosen future. The inner space you entertain becomes your reality. Whatever you carry in your inner space is your life’s possibility and consequently, your life’s manifestation - Your reality. You can choose to heal the past you have created and create the reality you desire.
Are you willing to unconsciously let your decisions sabotage a new relationship, career opportunity, your family or your entire future?
Whether you like it or not, we are continuously manifesting - whether consciously or unconsciously - our suffering, our diseases, our failures, our dissatisfactions, or our happiness, health, success, and bliss. They are all unconscious manifestations of what we are carrying inside of us. It is our body intelligence showing us, telling us what’s going on. It is up to us to pay attention, and to do, or not do, something about it.
The Cosmic Consciousness At Work
We need to understand first, we can manifest what we want because ALL of us have the cosmic womb within us - the source of the creation of the Universe - where our ideas become according to the energy we put in them, a possibility or manifested reality that will direct our life. We are the creators of our own reality. The Universe, Cosmos, God, wants to grant us what we desire. It wants us to be the best version of us we can be. We all have free will, so it’s up to us to choose the outcome we want. What is it you want for your future?
YOU CAN have the life you dream of... BUT FIRST YOU MUST
HEAL AND OVERCOME YOUR PAST - All your negative thinking and fears are rooted in the past. Which prevents you from moving towards a new future. All the non-fulfilment and incompletions in your life will show up continuously, and affect different areas until they are resolved and completed. Only when you establish the cognition that you are responsible for the life you are living, can you start creating a different future.
DESIGN YOUR FUTURE - From an empowered space, with clarity, honesty, and alignment with your truth... From there, you will start making different decisions that resonate with your soul, intentionally designing your new life. Your future will be a new way of existing.
TAKE CONSCIOUS ACTION - It is now, when you will consciously make decisions and take actions aligned with your truth, that you will feel an empowered, deliberate creator.
Spiritual Love and Life Mentor Belinda Ortiz works closely with those who
want more out of life and love...
wish to live to their highest potential...
have decided they are ready to change...
and seek the guidance, wisdom and support of a Mentor...
who can support them through the healing, transition, and often painful decisions that will transform their lives.
Her passion to help men and women have what their soul truly desires, comes from her own life journey. She experienced first hand, relationships that left her feeling small, invisible, and never heard, and a long loveless marriage that threatened to drain her of all life and joy. Yet she managed her way through it all and emerged more courageous, stronger and loving than ever before.
Belinda has worked with numerous men and women who have decided to live their highest potential - helping them overcome their struggle to break free from the past, release unhealthy relationships, heal from divorce, get over health issues, increase passion, regain direction, or transcend life crises. She compassionately and lovingly helps her clients create a New Conscious empowered life, healthy, deep loving, yummy, intimate relationships, lasting love and an overall sense of peace…
​She inspires her clients to be authentic, live in integrity, be true to themselves and honor themselves as they learn to understand their own spiritual and loving nature as infinite beings.

Sought Help with: Love & Family Relationships - Spiritual Growth
“If you are serious about changing your life, getting unstuck, clarifying your dreams and moving on with your life, I recommend anyone to work with Belinda. It takes work to change, but once you are clear about what you want and decide to commit... miracles happen”
— Ray Q. DF, Mexico
Sought Help with: Love & Family Relationships - Health - Spiritual Growth
“When I first met Belinda I was in a spiritually wounded state of being, and have benefited greatly from her method of Coaching and Healing over time. Her patience in allowing me to get with the program along with her modalities of energy healing, have brought me to a new place of awareness and confidence in my life that others can perceive and finally I myself can acknowledge. I recommend Belinda to those who want to get clarity about their own life path, purpose, who need healing from their past and their past relationships, and seek a brighter future.”
— David K. Boulder Creek, California
Sought Help with: Love & Family Relationships - Health - Weight loss - Career
“I was introduced to Belinda at a pivotal moment in my life. I knew I was ready for a change in my relationships, I knew where I was, and I was was not where I wanted to be... Belinda and I have worked together for over a year remotely, and my new life looks nothing like my old.
My mental outlook and my career has changed completely, I now get the respect and wages I deserve, my career is now booming. Belinda’s intuition, insights and interconnection between energy and coaching is undeniable. As a result, of her firm but gentle coaching manner Belinda has helped me also lose 55 pounds and find the love of my life! In fact, I recently became engaged and want to thank Belinda for all her support, understanding and gifts in moving me from Hurt to JOY!”
— JGL. Los Angeles, California
Sought Help with: Love & Family Relationships
“Belinda helped me let go of the anger and sadness I was holding onto for years. She helped me change my unhealthy behaviors that were making me attract toxic relationships. Today, I am in a loving, committed, and healthy relationship. I am happier than ever...”
— Monica B. Florida
How I Can Help You
It is my highest excitement to help you stop living a life of struggle and limitation. I will help you raise your vibrational frequency for love, health, and wealth consciousness, so you can start living the life you are meant to live.
My individualized mentoring programs combine Cosmic Christ Consciousness Healing™ with my trademark Vibrational Alchemy™ processes to deliver results in any area of your life. The ripple effects from this work will affect your life as a whole. Your life will never be the same.
When we work together, we dive deep into your Soul's true desires, individual blueprint, gifts, and uniqueness - exposing and healing any limiting thoughts, patterns and cognitions from conscious and subconscious minds, energy blocks, assumptions, and your limited human cognition. We explore the beliefs that have been “programmed” in you, beliefs that are not even yours - beliefs that are keeping you stuck in frustration and suffering. Only then, can you can emerge free and become the magnificent being you truly are.
Together we will rediscover the best version of YOU, hidden under many layers, revealing and releasing your DIVINE SELF. Your true potential awaits ready to emerge creating and the life you so desire.
Cosmic Christ Consciousness Healing™ will reactivate your cellular memory through me, reconnecting you with your Higher Self, your Soul, and the Christ Consciousness. While we connect Mind to Mind - Soul to Soul, your higher self is doing the work as I guide the energies and help reawaken your DNA. Together, we will clear current or recurring ailments as well as generational, repeating patterns, and Karmic inherited ailments. Your life can change in an instant. When we work together, I will help you step up into your higher self, and NEW way of Being.
I've been there and I can help...
What is your soul asking for
Cosmic Christ
Healing™ Session
1 hour | $300.00
Mind to Mind - Soul to Soul Healing™ is for you if you are experiencing Physical or Emotional Trauma,
Recurring Ailments,
Inherited Karmic Ailments
Dark Energies, Entities or Spirit Attachments that are causing you pain, suffering, or fear.
Is there an area of your life that needs your deep attention and clearing right now?
One On One
Spiritual Mentoring Program
Karmic Freedom™ | 3 months
Karmic Freedom™ Is a Vibrational Alchemy™ program designed for men and women who keep experiencing similar issues over and over again in life, health, or relationships . No matter how hard you try, if you can't seem to get ahead or move on from a past unhealthy relationship, health issues and repeated patterns that are affecting your present and future, and keep you stuck,
I can help you.
One on One Transformational
Mentoring Program
Love & Life Mastery™ | 6 months
The Love and Life Mastery™ programs are designed for men and women who are seeking to
Break free from the past, negative relationships, thought currents that keep you trapped in the same loop, need to redefine themselves so they can have MORE Love, Health, Happiness, and Wealth.